Price: 16 EUR (includes full washing and drying cycle + washing pod)
Maximum weight for clothes in machine is 4 kg
Duration for washing and drying cycle is 4 hours
Price: 4 EUR per hour
Includes ironing board and iron
The Laundry Room and the safe boxes are located on the ground floor just next to the main staircase.
Steps to book laundry facility:
Find chosen day to use laundry sevices
Pick hours that are open to use
Payment will be processed with a credit card on the website
After your payment is approved (usually within a minute) you will receive a code to open a safe-deposit box. Following, you will find a key and washing tablet in your box.
Do not forget to fill in your correct email adddress into the Calendar form. Incorrect entry of an email address will result in not recieveing your code.
After finishing your laundry please return the key to the safe-deposit box.
Note for Bookings:
To use washer and dryer machine, you must select a 4 hour time slot.
To use iron board and iron, you must select at least a 1 hour time slot.